Prompt: change by in_the_blue. 100 Word Stories
Writing can be like stone soup. You have a story simmering on the burner in a great pot and you throw in this and that and whatever you have in your pantry and wait until something comes together. This is another ‘something’ for the “Hunt the Mists” pot. Here’s to you, in_the_blue, for wanting more.
Liana Mir
Liana Mir reads, writes, and wrangles the muses from her mundane home in the Colorado Rockies and, occasionally, from the other side of the Barrier.
Series Listing
409 S
409 W
459 S
461 S
489 S
496 AU
509 W
510 S
514 W
517 S
517 S
519 S
Story Within a Story
Story Within a Story - 508
Story Within a Story - 510
Story Within a Story - 517 W
A Letter to Fellow Historical Intern, Whom I Named Huerél
Keeping the Balance
In Vardin, change is a balance.
Serel shows his son the balance between change and guarding against change.
409 W
Vardin Science Fiction Fantasy
Flash Fiction Short Story
Vardin Science Fiction Fantasy
Flash Fiction Short Story
Winter was already bringing changes, a bite to the air, a snap to the branches the men broke passing under a rose-colored stone archway into Household Calai’s extensive gardens.
Change was a dangerous thing, but fundamental to the guardians of Vardin. Bryn’s father, Serel, stood patriarch, a hard man because he had no choice. His blood was change from the plain householders they protected; his guard was against such.
Bryn watched him pluck the leaves that could kill a man or make a guardian.
“Should we burn the kahtchen plant? Destroy it?” Serel shook his head. “Only for the plain.”
Vardin Science Fiction Fantasy
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