Tag Archives: plans

A Bit About the Scribbling...

I've been getting some serious jabs of conscience for stories not finished, particularly as trovia's birthday whizzed by without an appearance of a completed version of "Summercome," her promised sports story, and then the three prompted stories I'm working on: a five times fic for in_the_blue, the rest of one for thecatisacritic, and "Everything is Blood" for lithiumlaughter. To say nothing of "Safe," which I still haven't gotten back to for whipsy.

In the middle of all this, I'm starting to get people bugging me for more "Son o' de Guild." Normally, I'd be okay with this, but I have a problem when people review a separate ficlet with just "Please update Son o' de Guild" and when they tell me they thought I wasn't going to finish it after I told them last chapter I would, and they all think I owe them the next chapter because I said they definitely wouldn't get another one for at least another two weeks, but that I'd be working on the story more now.

I am working on it. I'm not trying to update by a particular time because I'm currently trying to write the next chapter in some natural way without starring Jean Grey. Again. This is a story about Remy, and I've got a very important main character who is not the main character who's outgrown the bounds I want her in. It's tough, okay?

And then I go wandering through my beta emails and discover the information on the Roswell/X-Men Movieverse crossover I never got off the ground, and I wonder again how I'm ever going to get all the stories in my head out of it.

Ah, well.

How's your scribbling?

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Newsy Bits...

As promised, I will tell you what happened to my poetry submission: It was rejected. Ah, well. :shrugs: I'm starting to get okay with that. I'm really wanting to publish my own collections, and well... That means keeping a hold of my own work.

I am aware of the visibility that short fiction and poetry credits bring, however, as I've found most of my own favorites that way; but we shall have to see what happens, and I'll keep working.

Speaking of which, updates on the writing front: I'm a writer of many distractions. My stories arrive five at a time—often before the last batch is completed—and I'm continually interrupted by poems. Nevertheless, I have ben actively writing on "Everything is Blood" for lithiumlaughter, which has been like pulling teeth eking out a few words here and there; the Kingdoms and Thorn collection, which will probably be simply called Kingdoms & Thorn; and various snippets as they come; besides poetry in the evenings.

There are several completed 365 Challenge pieces that I haven't taken the time to post yet:

  • "Godling Wild" — Vardin ficlet
  • "A Pairing of Convenience" — X-Men Movieverse fanfic
  • "When the Coffee Doesn't Work, Drink More Tea" — poem
  • "Snow Day" — Kingdoms & Thorn short fiction
  • "Five Reasons I Love You" — Kingdoms & Thorn poem (yes, the infamous one I almost lost; 86 lines at that)
  • "Acceptable Cost" — Kingdoms & Thorn short fiction

It seems that blogging and hectic writing do not always get along. Sorry?

What have you been writing lately?

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Who Me? Secret Project?

Um... Well. Yeah.

There was this small matter of having accumulated a small mountain of small fictions presented in the Kingdoms and Thorn storyworld and a certain someone ( :coughs: thecatisacritic :coughs: ) who kept pestering me for a certain book and lo and behold, secret project underway.

And today, I got a cover I kinda sorta like though I didn't find even one free stock photo that really made me think of Ashen or the Database. Ah, well. We'll see.

Glass Angel

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Boosting the Signal: I Need My Fics Gift Exchange

I Need My Fics 2013 is about to begin and you can sign up now on Archive of Our Own.

Reposted from the Community:

Ladies and gentlemen, sign-ups are now open! The form is here, and you'll be able to access this year's collection here. Instructions are on the form, but if you have any questions we'll be happy to answer them here or via e-mail.

While we don't require this, we do strongly encourage you to increase your potential matches by requesting at least one fandom that you're not offering. You may also want to take a look at the summary before sign-ups close; it's a good way to see if you're the only person offering the fandoms you're requesting.

Sign-ups will be open until 9pm Eastern on July 20th.

...you're welcome to comment on this post or email us if you need an AO3 invite to join in.

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Getting Back to Normal

So after the fires, my creative brain was simply not present. When it did come back in snatches, I hit fanfic because that has always been more compatible with my burned out state than trying to create something I love in my own worlds. At that time, I had been six poems into a semi-epic and scribbling in Lovemark the Seasons. It's time to be getting back to normal.

So that means prompts, 365 Challenge posts, and probably long, chaptered work in both fandom and original worlds.

How are you creatively?

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Keeping the Head Above Water

This entry is part 36 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

It's been a while since I started the 365 Challenge, wherein I write a piece of fiction or poetry for each day of the year. You will note on the challenge page that longer works of fiction/poetry count as multiple pieces. This was to preserve my sanity and keep life realistic.

Then I got a job. At first that was too hectic and crazy to write at all. Then there was the story from inferno, a short that went long and is now threatening book status. The muse and I are in negotiations. Then there were seven or so finished stories that I marked "unfinished" because I wasn't happy with them yet. And needless to say, the story count does not reflect the number of days that have passed.

But on the bright note, I foresee catching up. If I write 2 count every workday, I'll be caught up by the end of the year and can even keep my weekends free. In a manner of speaking. I tend to write more than I can post during the week, so on weekends, I tend to post all the stories hanging around waiting.

And I'm writing a novel. An AU novel. An experimental novel. One I shouldn't be touching with a ten-foot pole. The muse and I are still negotiating.

Have a snippet:

Teaching autumn gave way at last to winter and blew me with a snowy gale back into my favorite coffee shop where ice melt dripped from coats thrown over the backs of wooden chairs onto the coffee-brown matte floor. Three weeks ago from those crisp autumn days and slowly but surely, my open books on the lower counter gradually shifted to thick, already damp rags on the upper bar.

The day you stepped inside the glass was fogged and bitter cold. Black coffee burbled in the makers on the back wall, and girls’ laughter tumbled about with the rich aroma of roasting grounds.

I wiped down the long counter, wet with coffee drips and damp jackets, as I watched your group of young men gather around table five. You lay down your netbook computers, notebooks, and pencils with a small, talkative clatter, filled the chairs with your presence, the shop with the friendly ambience of your laughter.

You were the blonde one, clearly a brother in arms or fact to the dark-haired one at the head of the table. A few glances around at the others, your friends—questions, answers—and then you came up to the counter and leaned against it, tall enough to bring you closer to me than I liked.

“What can I get for you?” I asked, keeping my voice pleasant and laying aside the rag.

Most people would have smiled, but you didn’t. Something intense burned behind your eyes but all you said was, “You’re the barista?”

Coffee beans became rich, black beverage behind me where the other girls poured out cups of espresso, macchiato, latte; yet, you asked. Crazy you, I raised an eyebrow at the question.

Then you smiled, dimpling on one side and not the other. You rattled off a list of eight drinks and then said, “And one for me. Got any suggestions?”

How about you? Any illicit projects thrown in by the muse?

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Making Plans of Scribbles and Scrolls...

Thoughts here, please. I'm working away at setting up project and production goals for the year and I feel utterly torn. Do you have rathers?

  1. I thought about setting up a subscription website with everything I have available—fiction, poetry, etc.—normally for sale available to subscribers. Say $5/mo.
  2. I also thought about doing an email subscription fiction thing, like Bruce Holland does here.
  3. I thought about hosting a quarterly fishbowl, where readers can prompt stories/poetry and read their own while I save the rest for submission or they can sponsor those stories for free publication.
  4. I thought about doing a print books subscription thing like Dean Wesley Smith does here.
  5. I thought about doing a web serial updating upon donations (don't think I have the audience for that).

Do any of these appeal to you? Would you be interested in any of these?

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Something That Matters

Dear Scribbler,

I've been reading up about a writer's production goals and reading arliddian's latest open letter, a beautiful piece, and reaching out to the muse-ish side of my own self, and it made me want to sit down thoughtfully again and have a chat on behalf of the new year.

I want to write something that matters.

Oh, I know I should start off with the business stuff, but a long time ago, I wrote a lot of fanfiction and I wrote out 14 things in fandom I had never done, which included writing anything that mattered, that influenced others. The very next day, I posted a driveby question:

What is it about writing something that matters that scares the mess out of me?!

I still want to write something that matters.

In the interests of getting there, I'd like to produce: you know a few hundred thousand words of fiction wouldn't hurt, and at least 2 or 3 completed short stories or novel chapters wouldn't either. Figuring out print books on createspace would make me very, very happy.


If there's anything I want to do different this year, it's that. The significance. The mattering. I want to reach people, not just scribble off into the abyss. And that willingness to scribble into the abyss has gotten me where I am, has made me willing to keep on putting one word in front of the other, and taking the time to create something of myself, but use it, muse.

Use it and do something with myself. I want to see my faith in my fiction. I want to see the girls who are not pretty and why that matters. I want to see feminine strength that is strength. I want to see the things I care about, the characters who prove that healing is possible, self-sacrifice is real, love is power, God is neither irrelevant nor evil, that the price for true power is giving up our selves and our wrongs, not embracing them.

I don't know how to wrestle these words into something that fits the shape of my heart, but this is me. This is it. I am writer. This is what I want this year.


the scribbler

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An Update on the Scribblings of the Scribbler

As some of you know, I'm quite busy trying to keep roof over head, redo a website, and provide necessary support for the movie project I've been a part of for... a long time. You probably don't know what I've been up to or why it's taken me so long.

En brief, am:

  1. proofreading a novella for a client
  2. drafting three stories for the last Ficlet o'ClockRoom for Magic, Breath from a Stone, and (fanfic) Girls that Go Bump in the Mind
  3. submittingsomething once weekly via the Heinlein challenge
  4. creating huge swaths of new functionality for a client's website
  5. creating huge swaths of new functionality for this website
  6. in the process of the above, identifying a plethora of bugs for the Pods CMS team
  7. finishing a huge special cleaning job and then heading into my regular time-consuming cleaning job
  8. applying for work in Civil Services :prays... hard:
  9. trying to order the muse to pipe down on City of Glass and Storm (It's a tad ambitious to try to finish three shorts and two novellas simultaneously. Just saying.)
  10. reading everyone else's blogs and posted fiction in the smatterings of moments I dare to ambitiously call "free time"

What's on your docket?

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