An Update on the Scribblings of the Scribbler

As some of you know, I'm quite busy trying to keep roof over head, redo a website, and provide necessary support for the movie project I've been a part of for... a long time. You probably don't know what I've been up to or why it's taken me so long.

En brief, am:

  1. proofreading a novella for a client
  2. drafting three stories for the last Ficlet o'ClockRoom for Magic, Breath from a Stone, and (fanfic) Girls that Go Bump in the Mind
  3. submittingsomething once weekly via the Heinlein challenge
  4. creating huge swaths of new functionality for a client's website
  5. creating huge swaths of new functionality for this website
  6. in the process of the above, identifying a plethora of bugs for the Pods CMS team
  7. finishing a huge special cleaning job and then heading into my regular time-consuming cleaning job
  8. applying for work in Civil Services :prays... hard:
  9. trying to order the muse to pipe down on City of Glass and Storm (It's a tad ambitious to try to finish three shorts and two novellas simultaneously. Just saying.)
  10. reading everyone else's blogs and posted fiction in the smatterings of moments I dare to ambitiously call "free time"

What's on your docket?

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2 Responses to An Update on the Scribblings of the Scribbler

  1. Rabia says:

    Yikes! Busy, busy!

    Me, I'm trying to be un-busy this week. First thing, get sleep schedule back under control. Next, keep the schooling going well. Third, try to get 1000 words on latest WIP every day. Fourth... hmm, I have to write guest posts in there somewhere!

    Will pray for the job!

    • Liana Mir says:

      Thank you for the prayers! I understand about the sleep schedule. Mine's gone berserk.

      And congrats on the writing progress! I love to see someone getting so much accomplished. I've been thinking about asking you to guest, but then, I might want to get back into my own swing first.

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