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365 Challenge: Ficlets

This entry is part 30 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

When the Clock Strikes Midnight

Canon: Kingdoms and Thorn
Characters: Andre Morelle and Jennifer "Shift" Haller
Prompt: Picture of Cinderella
Rating: T

Unlike Cinderella, Shift had no hearth to welcome a prince to...

The clock would strike midnight, soon, and all Shift wants is to remember that she has a heart before her cinderella run is over.


After the Grief

Canon: Kingdoms and Thorn
Characters: Everett "Storm" Kiernan Murray (Rett) and Sierra "Whisper" Lewis
Pairings: Red Wolf/Whisper
Prompt: Happy

Storm likes to worry about her. Whisper likes to ignore that.

You would think Whisper had ended a relationship instead of started one, but big brother types could be protective regardless.


The Way of the Hunt

Canon: Vardin
Prompt: Picture of Archer

So, pygmymuse didn’t understand the concept of hunting in Vardin—more one of treasure hunting or hunting down than animal hunting. I went looking for an outsider to explain it to and Josh was so remarkably convenient.

Just when he thought he found some common ground—at last.

Josh Williams is an outsider to Vardin, kidayet, and so he’s glad to find some common ground at last with someone native. Even if it’s not quite the way he thought.

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365 Challenge: Echoes of Anchor Lost

This entry is part 31 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

Echoes of Anchor Lost

Canon: Kingdoms and Thorn
Characters: Tactic and Catherine "Thought" Elena April (Cate)
Pairings: Thought/Tactic
Prompt: I carry the sadness of a woman

Very angsty stuff. Sorry, y’all.

Moving forward or moving on are the only options.

Tactic and Thought should have been allowed to marry. They were voluntary operatives who did their work and did it well, but it isn’t the Department that’s destroying them.

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365 Challenge: That is Something

This entry is part 32 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

That is Something

Canon: Vardin
Characters: Tracer
Prompt: I don't have a choice but I'd still choose you / Oh, I don't love you but I always wi

So pygmymuse wrote the first piece of fanfic ever of my work, an AU piece I liked a lot but wanted to tweak into being more them and more indicative of the underlying dynamics involved in being kahtchen. She liked this and let me plunk it in here. Actually, this is one world where it could even end up as canon (see “Tenderness”—more info coming with WIP “Eglantine”), but that’s another story.

We do not choose who we love.

Rhiannon gave up her hunt and accepted the first failure of her life as a guardian—for Tracer, but he might never forgive her for considering choosing another.

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365 Challenge: Abyss Looking Back

This entry is part 33 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

Abyss Looking Back

Canon: Kingdoms and Thorn
Characters: Justus/Rachelle, Justus "Defender" Ellison, and Rachelle "The Database" Winslow
Pairings: Justus/Rachelle
Prompt: He waits by the window / And wonders...

Sometimes Justus wonders why Rachelle is always looking into the abyss.

Justus and the Database have known each other for years, long enough for him to ignore break the anger and silence between them to help her as much as she will allow.

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Brain is Musty...: Ficlet O'Clock Truth or Dare

This entry is part 34 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

The current prompts are leaving me dull and uninspired. Seeking creative procrastination: ask me any question about how something works in a storyworld, a why that's been pestering you, or any backstory you just really want to know, and I'll commentfic it.

If that doesn't inspire you, how about a character (original or fandom) and something crazy you would dare them to do.

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4 for the 365 Challenge

This entry is part 35 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

Collateral Damage

Canon: Kingdoms and Thorn
Characters: Andre Morelle, Jennifer "Shift" Haller, and Rachelle "The Database" Winslow
Prompt: Is she really going to die because of her abilities?
Rating: T

So let’s just say there’s a reason Rachelle tries to stop her team members from helping her, and that reason has a name—Shift.

No price is too high...

Andre knows a young woman’s genes are killing her, but is saving her a lost cause?


To Dance with a Dragon

Canon: Vardin
Characters: Etienne "Template" Gravois de Calai and Jhemet out of Calai
Pairings: Etienne/Jhemet
Prompt: a rothnen pair that's happy with each other/glad to find the one from their dreams

So frankly, I should’ve finished Jhemet’s coming to Vardin story first, but it didn’t like me, so this is what you get.

He preferred the translation, Never assume anything.

Etienne has a few assumptions about this girl, this woman he may one day marry. She doesn’t much mind setting him straight.


Blood of Dragons

Canon: Vardin
Characters: Akena out of Britak and Burn
Prompt: I probably need some clarity on what it means to be a dragon in Vardin...

She was still a little girl for all she was a woman.

Akena is the daughter of guardians of Vardin, sworn to protect their people and their lands, and yet, she doubts herself, that she will ever become what she should.


Name Me Another (or Glass Angel, Redux)

Canon: Kingdoms and Thorn
Characters: Ashen
Pairings: Ashen/Jordan Michael
Prompt: Who are these two?

He wanted to know her name. She wanted him to know who she was.

Ashen hopes to create a new life and a new name for herself with Jordan Michael, a businessman with his own reason to be interested in special type humans like her, but can he ever see who she is beyond the name?

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Keeping the Head Above Water

This entry is part 36 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

It's been a while since I started the 365 Challenge, wherein I write a piece of fiction or poetry for each day of the year. You will note on the challenge page that longer works of fiction/poetry count as multiple pieces. This was to preserve my sanity and keep life realistic.

Then I got a job. At first that was too hectic and crazy to write at all. Then there was the story from inferno, a short that went long and is now threatening book status. The muse and I are in negotiations. Then there were seven or so finished stories that I marked "unfinished" because I wasn't happy with them yet. And needless to say, the story count does not reflect the number of days that have passed.

But on the bright note, I foresee catching up. If I write 2 count every workday, I'll be caught up by the end of the year and can even keep my weekends free. In a manner of speaking. I tend to write more than I can post during the week, so on weekends, I tend to post all the stories hanging around waiting.

And I'm writing a novel. An AU novel. An experimental novel. One I shouldn't be touching with a ten-foot pole. The muse and I are still negotiating.

Have a snippet:

Teaching autumn gave way at last to winter and blew me with a snowy gale back into my favorite coffee shop where ice melt dripped from coats thrown over the backs of wooden chairs onto the coffee-brown matte floor. Three weeks ago from those crisp autumn days and slowly but surely, my open books on the lower counter gradually shifted to thick, already damp rags on the upper bar.

The day you stepped inside the glass was fogged and bitter cold. Black coffee burbled in the makers on the back wall, and girls’ laughter tumbled about with the rich aroma of roasting grounds.

I wiped down the long counter, wet with coffee drips and damp jackets, as I watched your group of young men gather around table five. You lay down your netbook computers, notebooks, and pencils with a small, talkative clatter, filled the chairs with your presence, the shop with the friendly ambience of your laughter.

You were the blonde one, clearly a brother in arms or fact to the dark-haired one at the head of the table. A few glances around at the others, your friends—questions, answers—and then you came up to the counter and leaned against it, tall enough to bring you closer to me than I liked.

“What can I get for you?” I asked, keeping my voice pleasant and laying aside the rag.

Most people would have smiled, but you didn’t. Something intense burned behind your eyes but all you said was, “You’re the barista?”

Coffee beans became rich, black beverage behind me where the other girls poured out cups of espresso, macchiato, latte; yet, you asked. Crazy you, I raised an eyebrow at the question.

Then you smiled, dimpling on one side and not the other. You rattled off a list of eight drinks and then said, “And one for me. Got any suggestions?”

How about you? Any illicit projects thrown in by the muse?

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365 Challenge: Prayer, Memory, Love, and Poetry

This entry is part 37 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

So for the next so long, you'll be getting batched updates because I'm writing 2 count per day. This time 'round, I was particularly pleased with the poem, and if I were going to submit any of these, it would be "By the Numbers."

Well Doing, Weary

Canon: Miscellaneous Fiction
Prompt: Oh, I try out a smile / And I aim it at you / Oh, you must have missed it / You alway

Sometimes we get weary. Really, bone-tired weary.

That moment when faith becomes sight.

All the old preacher wanted was some sign the families in his church might soften their hardened hearts to the Word they claimed to keep.


Don’t Remind Me That It’s Over

Canon: Kingdoms and Thorn
Prompt: Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now

So a whole new set of characters, I know, but this was actually the first team I ever developed of this world. Team five. It was kind of nice to find they matched the prompt.

Ricki had put away the past when she put away the name.

Anna has a new photography job and decides to go back through her old snapshots and memories. Ricki, who is visiting, demands that she stop—before it hurts too much.


By the Numbers

Canon: Miscellaneous Fiction
Prompt: If love is anywhere / Mine still belongs with you...

This is a sequel of sorts to “Bridge.”

How does one rekindle a faded love?

David had been buried in work and statistics so long, he and his wife had forgotten how to communicate. They just need to take that first step…


Flight of a Wild Mare

Prompt: I am not a poet, living is the poem...

I swear, I’ll write you some prose off this prompt. Just not this time.

You’re riding me hard, and I’m put away wet. / My soul like His cloak is a gamble, a bet.

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365 Challenge by the Count

This entry is part 38 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

In the last few months, I've posted the following because of the 365 Challenge:

Words: 32,849
Lines: 388

This doesn't count the thousands of words or hundreds of lines of poetry I've written that was not for the challenge or that hasn't been posted.

The scribbler is happy.

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365 Challenge: Hedge Your Bets

This entry is part 39 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

Hedge Your Bets

Canon: Avengers 919
Characters: Colleen "Hawkeye" Barton, Nikolai "Atrax" Romanoff, and Philippa Coulson
Prompt: Well, maybe later. Not yet. / Like an old comfortable coat that is tattered and torn.
Rating: T

Collie Barton is comfortable with what she does and with being an archer in a sniper’s world. Then she gets Nikolai Romanoff as a target.

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