365 Challenge: Abyss Looking Back

This entry is part 33 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

365 pieces of poetry and fiction to prompts. Poetry, songs, colors, favorite lines, etc. I want to write original work, but knowing me, the occasional bit of fandomness will sneak in. This is more exciting to me than I can say for some reason, and I’m hoping you will all help me as I reach out to create an average of one piece a day.

Abyss Looking Back

Canon: Kingdoms and Thorn
Characters: Justus/Rachelle, Justus "Defender" Ellison, and Rachelle "The Database" Winslow
Pairings: Justus/Rachelle
Prompt: He waits by the window / And wonders...

Sometimes Justus wonders why Rachelle is always looking into the abyss.

Justus and the Database have known each other for years, long enough for him to ignore break the anger and silence between them to help her as much as she will allow.

Series Navigation<< 365 Challenge: That is SomethingBrain is Musty...: Ficlet O'Clock Truth or Dare >>
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