365 Challenge: Hedge Your Bets

This entry is part 39 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

365 pieces of poetry and fiction to prompts. Poetry, songs, colors, favorite lines, etc. I want to write original work, but knowing me, the occasional bit of fandomness will sneak in. This is more exciting to me than I can say for some reason, and I’m hoping you will all help me as I reach out to create an average of one piece a day.

Hedge Your Bets

Canon: Avengers 919
Characters: Colleen "Hawkeye" Barton, Nikolai "Atrax" Romanoff, and Philippa Coulson
Prompt: Well, maybe later. Not yet. / Like an old comfortable coat that is tattered and torn.
Rating: T

Collie Barton is comfortable with what she does and with being an archer in a sniper’s world. Then she gets Nikolai Romanoff as a target.

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