Thank you to my wonderful beta, G. Jackson.
Liana Mir
Liana Mir reads, writes, and wrangles the muses from her mundane home in the Colorado Rockies and, occasionally, from the other side of the Barrier.

Series Listing
Falhaer - 03. Kingdom
Land of the Five Cities - 03. Kingdom
Land of the Five Cities - 04. Rebel Council 02
Land of the Five Cities - 04. Rebel Council 03
Story Within a Story - Esiran Desert Myth
Night Bride
Night couldn't possibly want her for a bride, could he?
They say Night seeks a bride, so keep a candle in the window.
Story Within a Story - Esiran Desert Myth
Breath Fantasy Folklore
Flash Fiction Short Story
Breath Fantasy Folklore
Flash Fiction Short Story
Night cast his nets over the desert, and darkness murmured over the low limestone huts upon the desert floor. At every window, a small candle burned, and there the night was stopped.
He searched high and he searched low; he passed a few dark windows and looked in, but then he came to a house taller than most with no candle to keep him out. Sitting in the rocking chair was a lady with a warm, friendly face and soft white hair. Night was delighted at the vision and went in and sat down.
The old woman was startled when she saw him. “Why are you here?” she demanded.
“You had no candle in the window.” Night smiled charmingly. “That is an invitation.”
She snorted her disagreement. “Shouldn’t you stop at the house of one of those foolish young girls who do not believe you seek a bride?”
This time he snorted derision. “They are foolish young girls,” he protested. “They would run away and leave me for the desert wind, and I would still be lonely.”
“I am old,” the woman told him. “I am not lovely.”
“A bride,” said Night, “is not merely for looking at, and you, my dear woman, are excellent company.”
Rather exasperated now, “Don’t you want children?” she pressed.
“Bah!” Night scowled deeply. “I have had my children with Day before she left me and set them between us. They are my only comfort.”
“Hmph!” The old woman did not seem to know what to say.
Night’s eyes gleamed as he leaned forward. “And you?”
She laughed. “I have met no man to suit me, and my nieces and nephews were children enough.”
“I would build you a fine and shining palace,” he said. “I would shower you with gifts. I would listen when you speak.”
“The last is most of interest,” the old woman admitted. “Very well. I will come and be your bride.”
Then Night was delighted and took her by the hand to lead her into the heavens. He built her shining palace and introduced her to his children.
Day visited the desert. Night returned. And with him, the people saw a new shining light, the light of her palace. Moon, they called it, and slept without their candles.
Breath Fantasy Folklore
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Oh, so lovely!
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