Category Archives: Fandom

Fluff, Relationships, and Traditions

This entry is part 52 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

So characters have habits, ways they interact with certain people and situations, things they do and like to do, stories and histories together. I've known a lot of my characters' for a long time but getting them all into fic is interesting, particularly for the ones I don't know that for.

I've got about five novelettes I want to turn out plus a short story, created out of the 5 Things Meme and then the whole Pieter/Ashen dynamic that originally played in my head before I even wrote that first Ashen drabble (and it is awesome to me, but got sidelined drastically with a deluge of other prompts), but, but, but...

I'm on day 265 of my challenge and story count 157 and I'm still plying angles and there's all those little things above that I'm itching to nibble at. Want to help a girl out?

Particularly of interest to me are things like where does Wesley work (not sure actually), and then relationship things that I haven't gotten to like how Justus always recognizes Shift regardless of her current form or demeanor, friendships, sibling relationships, Ilsa and her husband, etc.

Calling for prompts, as promised:

  1. character(s) and/or canon/fandom
  2. random word, quote, or other prompt

Oh, and I'll try to keep it short and fluffy or sweet. Try is the operative word. :grins:

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Angst, Fluff, and Inferno

This entry is part 48 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

Let's take the third first. Overhauling the story from inferno, aka "Dowse and Bleed," left me feeling drained and exhausted, but it's out to beta and may she not find any more structural issues that need addressing. For that matter, may I not!

On angst: I write a lot of it. I know that. I've been buried it in lately and I feel a desperate need for something light, fluffy, and humorous, so on to point two:

Anyway I need something light and fluffy to clear out some headspace. Anyone want to give me

  1. A character or couple
  2. A random word or object

And I will write you a drabble: 100 words. No more. That'll keep my headspace break from getting out of hand. :grins:

Completed Drabbles

Seven Days

Kingdoms and Thorn

Kingdoms and Thorn/Fire and Water Crossover Fanfic

X-Men Movieverse

X-Men Evoverse

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A Bit About the Scribbling...

I've been getting some serious jabs of conscience for stories not finished, particularly as trovia's birthday whizzed by without an appearance of a completed version of "Summercome," her promised sports story, and then the three prompted stories I'm working on: a five times fic for in_the_blue, the rest of one for thecatisacritic, and "Everything is Blood" for lithiumlaughter. To say nothing of "Safe," which I still haven't gotten back to for whipsy.

In the middle of all this, I'm starting to get people bugging me for more "Son o' de Guild." Normally, I'd be okay with this, but I have a problem when people review a separate ficlet with just "Please update Son o' de Guild" and when they tell me they thought I wasn't going to finish it after I told them last chapter I would, and they all think I owe them the next chapter because I said they definitely wouldn't get another one for at least another two weeks, but that I'd be working on the story more now.

I am working on it. I'm not trying to update by a particular time because I'm currently trying to write the next chapter in some natural way without starring Jean Grey. Again. This is a story about Remy, and I've got a very important main character who is not the main character who's outgrown the bounds I want her in. It's tough, okay?

And then I go wandering through my beta emails and discover the information on the Roswell/X-Men Movieverse crossover I never got off the ground, and I wonder again how I'm ever going to get all the stories in my head out of it.

Ah, well.

How's your scribbling?

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365 Challenge: Fandom CommentFic

This entry is part 42 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

Jubilation Theme Song

Canon: The Roommate Files
Characters: Bobby "Iceman" Drake and St. John "Pyro" Allerdyce
Prompt: please stop singing, you're driving me crazy!
Rating: K

Bobby thought John alone was bad enough. Then came Jubilee…


Pick Me Up

Characters: Rogue and Remy "Gambit" LeBeau
Prompt: there is a(n) [insert noun here] walking down a road

Rogue just wants out of town. But there’s that mutant walking down the road into the hotbed of anti-mutant hostilities after Alcatraz.


Pick a Card, Any Card

Characters: Remy "Gambit" LeBeau and Ororo "Storm" Munroe
Prompt: living 'til the lies become truth

Liar. Thief. Grifter. He knew how to do this, exchange a life in ruins around him for something else he could fit over his skin.

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Boosting the Signal: I Need My Fics Gift Exchange

I Need My Fics 2013 is about to begin and you can sign up now on Archive of Our Own.

Reposted from the Community:

Ladies and gentlemen, sign-ups are now open! The form is here, and you'll be able to access this year's collection here. Instructions are on the form, but if you have any questions we'll be happy to answer them here or via e-mail.

While we don't require this, we do strongly encourage you to increase your potential matches by requesting at least one fandom that you're not offering. You may also want to take a look at the summary before sign-ups close; it's a good way to see if you're the only person offering the fandoms you're requesting.

Sign-ups will be open until 9pm Eastern on July 20th.'re welcome to comment on this post or email us if you need an AO3 invite to join in.

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Been Doing that Scribbling Thing Again

Yesterday, I actually got a lot of various scenes written. Now just to get the books and stories pulled together, huh? :rolls eyes at self:

Lovemark the Seasons

I wanted to love you because that's what you wanted, but... "I don't really do in love."

Words don't always make sense, and your stormy eyes told me these ones hadn't.

Exasperated, I sighed and tried again. "I love my brother, but I'm not in love with him."

"Yes..." You still weren't getting it.

"I can love you without falling in love with you." Moments ticked between us. Wrestling angels of understanding, and I knew I wasn't helping, but. "You're not my brother."

Everything is Blood

Russian snow—she still had to snap Niko out of the Red Room in his mind whenever they worked on Russian snow—outside on the ground and more of it falling from a stone-grey sky. Her leg was propped up on a chair, her crossbow completing her arm at one side. The other hand filled out paperwork. She'd been hunting this trail for weeks now. This wasn't a simple job, put an arrow in an enemy or a terrorist and stop the bad guy in his or her tracks. She preferred the simple jobs. You're just a girl with a bow. This wasn't what she'd signed up for.

Mother and daughter traveling on the train, in cars, over the national borders, seeking asylum, refuge, what? It didn't matter. One of them was Collie's target and the only complication was which.

The Rothnen Cycle: Blood

"Thinking on what might have beens?" Kyrieh asked gently.

Casaia shrugged, brought the analytical gleam back into her eye. "Not really. Renaiven and I could never have been."

Kyrieh's eyebrows came up and Casaia realized her friend had never know the exact relationship that hadn't occurred.


No team is family as a group. One bond leads to another and to another. This one would do anything for that one and the links form a chain which eventually circles the entire Department. Whisper called Shift called Thought called Vision called name after name and operative after operative with the word that now was the time they had all been waiting for from forever ago when they were children and swore one day this would be over.  Tracers moved into computer files their admins had never known they hacked. Voluntary teams turned involuntary and used every. single. privilege, every single access point into the systems designed to control these living weapons. Trip wires and triggers promised certain retribution should certain things be done. Law books were opened, loopholes exploited, implants deactivated or interfered with in whatever fashion wouldn't kill the one who wore them.

This was the biggest mission of the teams' collective lives. They hadn't been taught how to fail.

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So on general updateyness and a story-hopping muse...

I'm learning to roll with the punches. I'm just as bad at changing stories due to reading something as I've ever been, and I'm nothing like Dean Wesley Smith: I read my own work. A lot. That's why I wrote it.

What this means? I'm currently quite anxious to write some more Niko & Collie (read genderswap Black Widow and Hawkeye from Avengers) fanfic, finish up the story of the Thorn Rebellion I thought I'd never touch, and add new chapters to my various WIP while also finishing out whichever fics I think I can wrap up and off my plate.

Can you tell what I've been reading? My own work. And it's inspiring me. The only problem is I have a voracious readerly appetite and by the time I've read enough to get full, I'm inspired in waaaaaaay too many directions.

How's your reading or writing going?

:goes back to scribbling:

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365 Challenge: on blood, guilt, and redemption...

This entry is part 40 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

How Many Ways Can You Make Me Bleed?

Canon: X-Men Comicverse
Rating: K

They told Prodigy his mental shields existed for a reason. They didn’t mention the reason might be horrifying.


Accounting for Redemption

Canon: Kingdoms and Thorn
Characters: Jennifer "Shift" Haller and Justus "Defender" Ellison
Prompt: "I got red in my ledger. I'd like to wipe it out."
Rating: T

How do you account for redemption in a world where survival is the only law?

Justus once believed that his decisions were being guided by a God whose will was sovereign. Now he doesn’t. These sins were his own and he does not know what to do with them.


Counting Heartbeats

Canon: Kingdoms and Thorn
Characters: Jennifer "Shift" Haller and Justus "Defender" Ellison
Prompt: I was with Justus, wanting them all to regret the monsters they'd become.
Rating: T

Follow-up to “Accounting for Redemption.”

She didn't have the luxury of regret.

Shift may not have had a soul, but she had a heart and for some d— reason it was still beating. And she had Justus. She just didn’t know how to save him.

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365 Challenge: Hedge Your Bets

This entry is part 39 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

Hedge Your Bets

Canon: Avengers 919
Characters: Colleen "Hawkeye" Barton, Nikolai "Atrax" Romanoff, and Philippa Coulson
Prompt: Well, maybe later. Not yet. / Like an old comfortable coat that is tattered and torn.
Rating: T

Collie Barton is comfortable with what she does and with being an archer in a sniper’s world. Then she gets Nikolai Romanoff as a target.

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