In the Meantime...

This entry is part 81 of 103 in the series Daily Scribble Reports

March 26, 2014

Was chatting via email with lithiumlaughter and this morning, the conversations turned into a 1397 word fic. Whoops. It wasn't good enough though, not quite enough. I'm changing my Couples Big Bang pairing.

March 28, 2014

Started putting together a poetry collection for lithiumlaughter, since poetry was actually happening (research and fic were frying my brain) and wrote a poem to go with the fanfic.

March 29, 2014

I almost forgot. I wrote a ton of fodder on this day, probably a few thousand words of poetry that will never see the light of day, thus the name "fodder." I'm not counting it.

March 30, 2014

Focused on rereading “Justice” and reminding myself of where I want to steer it. Unfortunately realized that I need to check in for the Couples Big Bang tomorrow, so also need to work on that. Finished out what I started on the 29th of getting gift books ready for publication. Will need to continue wrapping that up on the 1st.

So I owe you all an end of March post and would like to check back in to my publication/release schedule issues as well. I’m not really happy with that bit.

Word Counts:

  • Fiction: 1397 words
  • Poetry: 8 lines | 51 words
  • Blog: 18 words

March Totals

  • Fiction: 14,718 words
  • Poetry: 584 lines | 2858 words
  • Blog: 1127 words

Pieces Started Not Finished (2014)

  • Fiction: Hear the Stars, novella.
  • Nonfiction/Blog: Indie Author Guide to Genre, book/blog series.
  • Poem: Untitled - You gave me a name...
  • Poem: Untitled - The way riverbeds miss the water...
  • Fiction/Fanfic: "Blank Verse," probably novella but not sure.
  • Fiction/Fanfic: “Justice,” short story.
  • Fiction: Binary's story, novella?
  • Poem: "The Cup"
  • Poem: Untitled - Daughter

March Completed Pieces

  1. Poem: "Open Hands," 12 lines | 63 words.
  2. Fanfic: “God Help the World,” 205 words.
  3. Poem: "Everything's Blood and All is Well," 16 lines | 97 words.
  4. Fanfic: “Perfection,” 688 words.
  5. Fanfic: Invisible Ficathon Assignment, 1267 words.
  6. Poem: "Wonder," 4 lines | 29 words.
  7. Prose Poem: “the bringing of light,” 485 words.
  8. Poem: “Rothnen,” 24 lines | 102 words.
  9. Poem: “This is the universe…” 12 lines | 80 words.
  10. Poem: “For Sister,” 4 lines | 36 words.
  11. Fanfic: "Demoralized," 204 words.
  12. Fanfic: Invisible Ficathon Treat, 198 words.
  13. Poem: Invisible Ficathon Treat, 8 lines | 66 words.
  14. Poem: Invisible Ficathon Treat, 3 lines | 7 words.
  15. Fanfic: Invisible Ficathon Treat, 125 words.
  16. Fanfic: Invisible Ficathon Treat, 201 words.
  17. Fanfic: Invisible Ficathon Treat, 2376 words.
  18. Poem: “Name You,” 136 lines | 795 words.
  19. Poem: “Tale of Domestic Life in a Series of Coffee Cups,” 19 lines | 110 words.
  20. Poem: “What Happened,” 44 lines | 191 words.
  21. Poem: “The Wild Balloon,” 9 lines | 71 words.
  22. Poem: “With the Tide,” 8 lines | 43 words.
  23. Poem: “Apologies,” 4 lines | 17 words.
  24. Poem: “Daughter Kiss.X Wife,” 6 lines | 27 words.
  25. Fanfic: “Thin Walls of Stone,” 1397 words.
  26. Poem: “Walls of Stone,” 8 lines | 51 words
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