April 4, 2014
Wrote a stats post. Wow.
- Blog: 90 words
April 7, 2014
So mostly I scribbled poetry and false start number one on a crossover I tried very hard to talk myself out of writing.
- Fiction: 569 words
- Poetry: 161 lines | 1111 words
April 8, 2014
I got a false start on my Couples Big Bang fic and quickly realized it didn't do what I wanted at all.
- Fiction: 184 words
April 9, 2014
Out sick and a whole lot of nada. Technically I did do an interview here.
- Blog: 770 words
April 10, 2014
A bit of fandom progress, which wasn't what I was hoping for, but not awful either. I finally got my Trope Bingo card and am deciding how I want to do it. Also signed up for Origfic Bingo but don't have my card yet. Best and worst of all, made a ton of progress on the crossover that shouldn't. Oh, and got a good scene start on Couples Big Bang.
- Fiction: 962 words