Liana Mir
Liana Mir reads, writes, and wrangles the muses from her mundane home in the Colorado Rockies and, occasionally, from the other side of the Barrier.

Portrait of the Scribbler
the kind who always has your back / but forgets to cut you slack; / the kind who wishes harder than / she works, but yet still works
I am one of those people—
(they say you’d have to know me
to love me; do not try too hard)
the kind you wish you’d meet;
the kind you wish you’d never meet:
the kind who makes unnecessary
grand announcements: let
it be hereknown, I feel this way
(you couldn’t care? why don’t you say!);
who transforms life to drama, singing
eclectic lines from favorite songs
(do not worry; this won’t take long);
who softly, yet sarcastically
pedals backward, lunges forward
(uncertainty is so untoward);
who offers love—platonically—
too readily, or so I’m told
(living life is for the bold);
who will listen carefully
until the flash of inspiration
interrupting conversation
(writing is my meditation);
who’s organized and yet chaotic,
whose stacks of papers overflow
(at least I have them, neat or no);
who’s like to answer every question,
even the rhetorical
(I’m just a tad too literal)—
the kind who always has your back
but forgets to cut you slack;
the kind who wishes harder than
she works, but yet still works;
the kind who hopes and then despairs
then hopes again, and then despairs;
the kind who of herself thinks nothing
then turns around and puts on airs;
the kind who tells you right and wrong
by every school of grammar and thought,
then sheepishly admits she’s wrong
and humbly admires your better thought;
the kind who writes and too well thinks
of her own words, of her own words;
who knows that there are better things,
but always comes right back to words.
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Thank you for sharing a bit of your soul in this.
the kind who always has your back
but forgets to cut you slack;
the kind who wishes harder than
she works, but yet still works;
the kind who hopes and then despairs
then hopes again, and then despairs;
the kind who of herself thinks nothing
then turns around and puts on airs;
This. I so relate. *HUGS*
:hugs back: