Prompt: broken by in_the_blue. 100 Word Stories
Liana Mir
Liana Mir reads, writes, and wrangles the muses from her mundane home in the Colorado Rockies and, occasionally, from the other side of the Barrier.

Series Listing
-02 yr. 02 mo.
00 yr. 03 mo.
00 yr. 05 mo.
00 yr. 06 mo.
00 yr. 06 mo.
Late Return
The book was late and he had never missed a week.
Lena isn’t sure what to do when her most regular borrower fails to appear on schedule. Her assistant is pretty sure it’s not the book she’s worried about.
00 yr. 06 mo.
Seven Days Fantasy Romance
Flash Fiction Short Story
Seven Days Fantasy Romance
Flash Fiction Short Story
“The line is broken.” Lena stared at the receiver and the offending tone ringing through it.
“It’s dead, not broken,” her assistant Angelita corrected her, continuing to file cards on Pretty Things’ book collection. “And you can just call him tomorrow. It’s not like he doesn’t return his borrowed books.”
Lena frowned. In the last few months, Wesley had never missed a week. Every Wednesday, he returned his book, borrowed another, stopped to talk about the reading. Was he hurt?
Angelita was staring at her.
Angelita grinned. “You’ve got it bad.”
Lena sighed, exasperated, and hung up the phone.
Seven Days Fantasy Romance
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Ha ha, I love the "You've got it bad" line! I thought she was worrying about a senior citizen or someone sick. Nope! A great twist.
Thank you! Yeah. She's head over heels for the guy and doesn't even know it. :grins: