Prompt: happy by in_the_blue. 100 Word Stories
Liana Mir
Liana Mir reads, writes, and wrangles the muses from her mundane home in the Colorado Rockies and, occasionally, from the other side of the Barrier.

Series Listing
16 — 02. Summer
When the Clock Strikes Midnight
16 — 02. Summer through 03. Autumn
16 — 03. Autumn through 17 — 01. Spring
16 — 03. Late Autumn
16 — 03. Late Autumn
17 — 02. Summer
17 — 02. Summer
18 — 01. Spring
Song Between the Waking and the Dreaming
20 — 04. Winter
21 — 01. Spring
Don’t Remind Me That It’s Over
21 — 02. Summer
21— 02 Summer through 22 — 01 Spring
Name Me Another (or Glass Angel, Redux)
22 — 01. Spring
22 — 01. Spring
22 — 02. Summer
22 — 03. Autumn
23 — 02. Summer
23 — 02. Summer
History Lesson on the Night Train
23 — 03. Autumn
23 — 03. Autumn
23 — 03. Autumn
23 — 03. Autumn
23 — 03. Autumn
23 — 04. Winter
23 — 04. Winter
24 — 02. Summer
AU 21 — 04. Winter
Normal written in coffee grounds
After the Grief
Storm likes to worry about her. Whisper likes to ignore that.
You would think Whisper had ended a relationship instead of started one, but big brother types could be protective regardless.
16 — 03. Late Autumn
Kingdoms and Thorn Science Fiction
Flash Fiction Short Story
Kingdoms and Thorn Science Fiction
Flash Fiction Short Story
He liked to check in on her. She liked to ignore that.
Storm was a typical big brother type: he never quite got the fact that he didn’t need to be protective of Whisper. She was an accomplished military operative in her own right.
He watched her as she practiced her katas until finally asking, “You okay?”
It was an odd question. She had started a relationship, not ended one. Odd if you didn’t take into account the man she had lost a year ago, but for once, grief did not overwhelm her at the memory.
Whisper shrugged. “I’m happy.”
Kingdoms and Thorn Science Fiction
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I find myself wanting and yet not wanting to ask about the person that Whisper lost.
At least she does have Red Wolf. And she's happy.
You are starting to learn my angsty ways! Well, let's just say there's a reason the rest of the team gives her space and it had nothing to do with the nature of their longstanding relationship with her. It had a lot more to do with the fact that she'd been in love with the Christian (his handle) and lost him and promptly wiped out the entire terrorist cell that killed him. Let's just say that's where she got her reputation as the best assassin in the Department and we'll leave that at that. Not a story I want to write. Ever.
But interestingly enough, she seems to be drawn to guys who love music. The Christian played piano and was as gentle a spirit as Red Wolf, perhaps more gentle.
Ouch. Poor Whisper.
Nothing wrong with liking gentle spirits.