So I've been struggling with insomnia lately and other real life hecticness, like signing a lease on a new house with the family and trying to think straight in spite of said insomnia and writing only on a tablet and at work because hovering sister, which makes for a poor productivity rate, including in accountability posts.
That said.
March 11, 2014
Started a crossover short, "Justice," with thecatisacritic, in which I wrote 646 words. She initiated; I liked.
March 12, 2014
Wrote a 485-word prose poem while researching poetic techniques and Shakespearean plays for lithiumlaughter's giftfic "Blank Verse." Also 133 words on "Justice" and 66 on "Blank Verse."
Word Counts:
- Fiction: 845 words
- Poetry: 0 lines | 485 words
- Blog: 109 words
March Totals
- Fiction: 5918 words
- Poetry: 32 lines | 674 words
- Blog: 608 words
Pieces Started Not Finished (2014)
- Fiction: Hear the Stars, novella.
- Nonfiction/Blog: Indie Author Guide to Genre, book/blog series.
- Fanfic: Invisible Ficathon Treat.
- Poem: Untitled - You gave me a name...
- Poem: Untitled - The way riverbeds miss the water...
- Fiction/Fanfic: "Blank Verse," probably novella but not sure.
- Fiction/Fanfic: “Justice,” short story.
March Completed Pieces
- Poem: "Open Hands," 12 lines | 63 words.
- Fanfic: “God Help the World,” 205 words.
- Poem: "Everything's Blood and All is Well," 16 lines | 97 words.
- Fanfic: “Perfection,” 688 words.
- Fanfic: Invisible Ficathon Assignment, 1267 words.
- Poem: "Wonder," 4 lines | 29 words.
- Prose Poem: “the bringing of light,” 485 words.