365 Challenge Update, Week 2 with Changes

This entry is part 2 of 52 in the series 365 Challenge

365 pieces of poetry and fiction to prompts. Poetry, songs, colors, favorite lines, etc. I want to write original work, but knowing me, the occasional bit of fandomness will sneak in. This is more exciting to me than I can say for some reason, and Iā€™m hoping you will all help me as I reach out to create an average of one piece a day.

So it's been a busy week, and from the beginning of the year, I've been writing about 2000 words a day because of the challenge. To me, that is a straight up success no matter where I end up falling on the completed pieces goal.

But on that, I've discovered that some pieces will grow beyond the length I intend for them. Yes, I'm looking at you, "Dowse and Bleed." Don't bother shrugging innocently. So we're adopting a new counting system.

  • 1500 words or less: flash fiction = 1 piece
  • 1500ā€“7500 words: short story = 2 pieces
  • 7500ā€“17.5K words: novelette = 4 pieces
  • 17500ā€“40K words: novella = 7 pieces
  • 40K+ words: novel = 10 pieces

Here's the new count. Only a week behind. Ah, well.

8/365 pieces. 2.2% done.

The Perfect Woman

Prompt: Silence and Storytelling

This will not do! For what I am / Is woman, not a female man.


Winter Rose

Canon: Seven Days
Characters: Lena Johnson and Wesley Bryn
Pairings: Lena/Wesley
Prompt: fade
Rating: K

Another double-drabble for the 365 Challenge. 200 words.

She wants a bloom that lives beyond a week.

Every week, Wesley comes to borrow and return a book. Lena wants the rose to live until he comes.


Edge of Salvation, Edge of Fear

Canon: Faeology
Characters: Shellayne and Markus
Prompt: books
Rating: K+

This is a continuity born out of a bunch of other stories and prompts and ideas, with a huge push from my beta, but alas! This 365 challenge ficlet is finished first.

What if every thought could write reality?

Markus was afraid to open the books, even if by doing so he could save them.


Beneath the Icewood Trees

Canon: Faeology
Characters: Surrey, Eried Black, and Fae Alend
Prompt: Icicles filled the long window / With barbaric glass....

What is fae and what is magic?

Eried Black is a son of a privileged house, one granted magic to guard and use and sell. When he sees it used amiss, it angers him, but has he finally gotten in over his head?


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