So... In Other Unrelated Confessional News

I have loved being off of Twitter. I'm not sure I'm going to really do a lot on it besides reenable crossposting when I'm ready. I love not worrying about it, not getting distracted by it, though I've found a lot of people and learned a lot from it. I guess that makes me a

Social Media Dropout

Oh, well.

I also have temporarily reneged on further work on the Ficlet o'Clock pieces—and my Heinlein Challenge work. NaNo is enough for me and I've pretty much settled on the lite version of 800 words a day. I just have too much else going on right now to do otherwise. I guess that makes me a

Realistic Non-Overachiever

I've been an Unrealistic Overachiever for enough of my life to breathe a sigh of relief at the change.

In Other News...

Gone Hunting, the collection, and a bunch of shorts have been ready to put into print for a while now, but I haven't had time to wrap up the formatting and mess of getting them published. In a way that bothers me because nothing new is entering the pipeline to turn into an income stream. But I cannot tell you how much I desparately would like to finish. writing. a. novella. Seriously.

Unrelated Skippable Political Note

And I voted. Early. It bothers me a lot to hear photo ID is supposed to suppress voting. It bothers me more to hear people talking about this effort to stop Democratic voters and steal the election through measures against "nonexistent voter fraud." I say this as an independent with conservative leanings. Why? Because both parties have perpetrated voter fraud in their long and mixed-bag history. Both parties are preparing to battle this out legally if they don't get their way. Claiming that everything wrong with voting is due to Republican conspiracy is partisan, just like it was when Republicans claimed the same of Democrats last cycle.

Please, just vote. Vote for the candidate you believe in and the path you want America to take. But please stop bashing each other. Please?

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