Designer Files: Covering The Creative Life

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series The Publisher Series

Publishing is an industry and should not be a trial and error endeavor, but it often is. This is a book of step-by-step articles on one publisher's trial and error experiences with designing book covers, planning web serials, entering metadata, creating a website, and more.

So I reworked my series pages today and how they worked with my theme. I want to do more, but alas! I haven't solved PHP coding yet. In the meantime, every post in a series now displays the series icon, which was formerly relegated to the sidebar. Wait a second. Hold that thought. It what?!

Not all of my series icons made awesome book covers, to put it mildly, and the icon for The Creative Life was certainly not going to cut it as a book cover.

Who I Am icon by photoshopfreak
icon by photoshopfreak

Book covers need to not only be appealing, but also legible as an icon and a good expression of what will be found inside. I created this book cover before I discovered the following article by Jordan Stratford, but read it. It's an excellent checklist and opens your eyes to exactly what I mean when I say "professional," as regards covers.

Your Cover is 40% of Your Sales goes through an entire checklist for book covers, covering the points that have been my main focus in redoing all of my own covers: genre colors, genre layout, large author name, large title, textured background, branded design.


The Creative Life is essentially, at this point anyway, a series of essays. I wanted a bright, creative color, and ended up going for something that captured something of the essence of what that icon expresses to me: the idea of windows, of femininity, of brightness and sunshine, and of boxes divided or opened up. Some of this was done with the same kinds of elements, some with others, such as a script for the title's one article.

The first draft on the left almost worked, but the white was not legible at thumbnail size, so we deleted the tagline and made the title green. It worked.

The Creative Life: a series of essays on creativity by Liana Mir

The Creative Life by Liana Mir (cover)

If you enjoyed this post or found it helpful to you, please consider clinking a few coins in the donation box. It takes considerable time and effort to put one of these together and I would like to continue doing so if it will help others.


Series Navigation<< Designer Files: Covering City of Glass
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