Hello, my name is: Liana Mir
You can find my entries here: http://lianamir.com/series/100-things or http://scribble-myname.livejournal.com/tag/100%20things
I'm writing 100 Things on the subject of: This Creative Life
Entries will be public/flocked: public
Will you be posting anything NSFW or potentially triggering? no
Are you happy to add people so they can read your entries? yes
Which index category do you want to be in? Words, Writing & Poetry; Music; Photography, Art, Craft & Design
{Take the 100 Things challenge!}
1/100: Defining the Creative Life
We are each our own world.
My creative life is defined as positively creating in response to life, rather than reacting. I am not the complementary and equal reaction to the scenes and props that appear in my world. I am the positive center of my own world, the cause of what it contains, and, by grace, perhaps an overflowing blessing to another’s.
Nonfiction Personal Essay
736 words
736 words
2/100: Unafraid to Be Silent
Silence is rarely appreciated by the silent.
If I am quick to speak and slow to listen, I will never learn and outgrow this pot I’ve planted myself in. I must listen and develop and create inside my mind before I can create in this outward world, and truly, in so many ways it is more satisfying to bring to fruition the fullness of my vision, as taking the time to create a meal is more satisfying to me than simply eating a grab-and-go snack or prepackaged dish.
Nonfiction Personal Essay
925 words
925 words
3/100: Taking Stock
The more I create, the more I work in different fields and endeavors, the more I learn about creativity and success.
Nonfiction Aphorisms