The last couple days have seen me writing articles to pay the bills, so a lot has fallen through the cracks, though I did get some WIP original stuff going, just not done, and I forgot to get thecatisacritic my songlist (this weekend?). On the finished pieces bit:
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Fanfiction — 1203 words completed
- MCU: Hindsight, 227 words
- MCU: First Date with an Acrophile, 94 words
- MCU: Three Stops on the Road to Love, 161 words
- MCU: You See, It Was Like This, 100 words
- MCU: Tearless, 123 words
- MCU: Nobody Does Shopping Like Tony Stark, 79 words
- Firefly: In the Engine Room, 55 words
- Secret Garden/Little Princess: Where Magic Made Us Well, 109 words
- X-Men (Movieverse): Please Stay on the Line, 185 words
- MCU: I'm Fine, Really, 100 words
July 2014 Totals
- Original Fiction: 2 short stories, 5 ficlets — 4755 words
- Original Poetry: 2 poems — 354 words | 52 lines
- Fanfiction: 29 ficlets — 4581 words