Grateful For...

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series December Ramblings

No one prompted for day three, so I just spontaneously decided to do some belated Thanksgiving ramblings.

I am thankful for the God who loves me, no matter how far I stray, whose love is bigger than my biggest sins, who wants me to be His even when I've wandered so far I think I'm lost forever.

I am grateful for my family and their unconditional love. I have been showered with love and blessings this season beyond what I can imagine I deserve. I have been blessed with enough to remove my most urgent debt, a new tablet, and more thanks and praise than I feel I have merited.

I am grateful for my friends in this writing community o' mine. For in_the_blue who is always there for me and always reading and always writing and always understanding. For thecatisacritic who keeps me writing and keeps me thinking and keeps me wanting to hug her all the time. For lithiumlaughter and arliddian and Rabia Gale who are always lovely and kind and write the kind of observations, reflections, and stories that make me want to linger a long, long time. For all of them who put up with my fits and starts and idiosyncracies and love me anyway.

I am thankful for breath in my lungs and sunshine on my face each morning. (I'm not kidding. It wakes me up through my makeshift curtains.)

I am thankful for Christmastime and holidays with family and hugs and feasts and cards that bring tears to your eyes and shoulders to cry on when you need to.

I am grateful in short that I am alive.

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