the scribbler
The scribbler writes fanfiction and fandom/readerly meta at and her LiveJournal. Favorite fandoms include the Divergent Trilogy, Marvel, The Secret Garden, Take the Lead, and Roswell.

Ode to Disproportionate Spam
To all my friendly spammers, / with such nice words to say, / I don't know why you like that post
Light Verse Lyric
Light Verse Lyric
What is it about “Ember”
that makes people want to tell
me about how to lose that weight
and how wonderful I spell?
What is it about “Ember,”
a poem to be true,
that for the tips and lovely facts
receives a “thanks to you”?
What is it about “Ember,”
an archived post long gone,
that makes people want to argue
and makes people want to fawn?
To all my friendly spammers,
with such nice words to say,
I don’t know why you like that post,
but have a lovely day.
Light Verse Lyric
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