Another Way

Prompt: another way by in_the_blue. 100 Word Stories

Divergent and all characters belong to Veronica Roth and not me. Author has stated approval of fanwork.

the scribbler

The scribbler writes fanfiction and fandom/readerly meta at and her LiveJournal. Favorite fandoms include the Divergent Trilogy, Marvel, The Secret Garden, Take the Lead, and Roswell.

Series Listing

00. Before and During Divergent


00. Before and During Divergent

The Number of Fear

01.00 Four - Choosing

Another Way

01.01 Four - after Choosing


Another Way

A choice neither brave nor selfless.

Tobias had been raised to be selfless. He chose to be brave. He was neither.

01.00 Four - Choosing
Selfish Divergent Trilogy

He had never thought of himself as fearful. But he feared his father. He had never thought of himself as selfish. He was selfish enough to walk away.


What kind of an Abnegation would bring shame upon his father, the leaders of his faction, and regret to every family member just to save his own self?

Not the Dauntless. Not the Abnegation. Not the person he was raised to be.

Holding the knife, he stared at the smooth grey stones of his faction, waiting for his blood, his choice of the life he’d been given. And chose another way.


Selfish Divergent Trilogy

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