November 1–2 (weekend)
Super-large Board project wrap-up and Board meeting, plus a side dish of sciatic pain. Seriously, life?
Ah, well. Life happens. I'm writing this novel.
November 3 (Monday)
I decided at the start of November I was going to make my goal to write 2000 words a day, so I also opted to take the Dean Wesley Smith approach to goals. Don't make up. I wrote my heart out, not worrying about my two missed days and made 963 words. Could be worse.
November 4 (Tuesday)
Heading into the sketch it out and fill it in zone with a side helping of check this out: a viable Blurb service that enables you to make a magazine or a color book at a decent price (with their new economy option) and still sell on Amazon and other retailers. Nice.
Off to go write.