Category Archives: Website

An Update on the Scribblings of the Scribbler

As some of you know, I'm quite busy trying to keep roof over head, redo a website, and provide necessary support for the movie project I've been a part of for... a long time. You probably don't know what I've been up to or why it's taken me so long.

En brief, am:

  1. proofreading a novella for a client
  2. drafting three stories for the last Ficlet o'ClockRoom for Magic, Breath from a Stone, and (fanfic) Girls that Go Bump in the Mind
  3. submittingsomething once weekly via the Heinlein challenge
  4. creating huge swaths of new functionality for a client's website
  5. creating huge swaths of new functionality for this website
  6. in the process of the above, identifying a plethora of bugs for the Pods CMS team
  7. finishing a huge special cleaning job and then heading into my regular time-consuming cleaning job
  8. applying for work in Civil Services :prays... hard:
  9. trying to order the muse to pipe down on City of Glass and Storm (It's a tad ambitious to try to finish three shorts and two novellas simultaneously. Just saying.)
  10. reading everyone else's blogs and posted fiction in the smatterings of moments I dare to ambitiously call "free time"

What's on your docket?

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Still in Darkness?

Yep. I'm working behind the scenes, on stories, on website revamp, on website "pods," and an outside and very important project. Still reading, commenting here and there, etc., but won't see much from me for another little while.

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Darkness Notice

All notifications and crossposting functions will be temporarily disabled to allow extensive revision and additions to the website.

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Blog Research/Rebuild Hiatus

I am at present reinventing my online presence a bit, so while a lot is going on behind the scenes, I will not be adding much in the way of new content for a bit. Hope to see you all soon.

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The New — Blogging Beyond the Comfort Zone

How many times do I reinvent myself? I try this and that and fail and succeed, then hack away at it again. Anyone who has been following my Twitter feed may have noticed my struggles with striking the right balance for City of Glass, creating a beautiful online journal and blog aimed more at my readers than my fellow writers, and deciding how to earn an income from my fiction when I simply do not finish novels at the pace of those chunking up the change in independent publishing.

The truth is, I have been afraid, so very afraid, that I have been doing the wrong thing, even while moving forward on projects unrelated to Liana Mir and that I cannot discuss here. But these things take time and understanding.

The goal of this post is to sort through some of the things I have been struggling with, experiencing, and what they mean. In particular, this is where I come to grips with what this blog is about, what I want to be, and embracing the new. Continue reading

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Posting Schedule Change-Up for City of Glass

This entry is part 12 of 13 in the series City of Glass

Due to a fear on my part of moving too slowly, I bumped up my initial City of Glass posting schedule to twice weekly. Due to the reality of my first thought being the better one, I'm bumping it back down to once weekly. The novel will now update on Thursdays only.

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Asking for Reader Feedback on the Blog

So I've been blogging for a while now and I'm starting to find a rhythm I like, but I'd still rather make sure my readers and friends like it too.

So I discovered that my poll plugin is broken. (I got your answer to the first question only, Rabia.) :growls: So here goes on simply asking:

  1. What is your favorite kind of post?
  2. Do I post too often, too infrequent, on too many topics, too few topics, or just right?
  3. Is there any kind of post you'd rather not read?
  4. Would you like to see more of any kind of posts? Fiction prompts? Any category or theme?

And last but not least, is there any way you think I could do better?

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